Sunday, August 16, 2009


Russian Navy Jack
Russian Navy Ensign

The Imperial Russian Baltic Fleet was created during the Great Northern War (1700-1721) at the instigation of Peter the Great. They had many victories such as Battle of Gangut and the Battle of Grengam.

The Black Sea Fleet is considered to have been founded by Prince Potemkin in 1783. Formerly commanded by such legendary admirals as Dmitriy Senyavin and Pavel Nakhimov, it is a fleet of enormous historical and political importance for Russia. In 1790, Russian naval forces under the command of admiral Fyodor Ushakov defeated the Turkish fleet at the Battle of Kerch Strait.

In 1788 John Paul Jones after the Revolutionary War entered into the service of the Empress Catherine II of Russia as a rear admiral aboard the 24-gun flagship Vladimir, he took part in the naval campaign in the Liman against the Turks. Jones successfully repulsed Ottoman forces from the area.


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